Monday, February 25, 2013


1- Volcano

2-does it work better with white vinegar, balsamic vinegar or rice vinegar.

3-Vincent thinks its balsamic,  Zachary and Samuel too, but Xavier thinks its white vinegar

4-we will make three volcanoes. One is balsamic, one with white and one with rice vinegar and we will write down which one works best.

Zachary, Samuel, Xavier and Vincent


  1. Volcanoes are cool to make. Do you know however what type of chemicals react with sodium bicarbonate? Do they vary between the vinegars you chose?


    Jean-Daniel Doucet
    Project manager at Université Laval
    M.Sc. in biomedical sciences, Université de Montréal
    Ordre des chimistes du Québec

  2. The height of the volcano made with the balsamic vinegar is 1 cm and 2 mm . The height of the volcano made with rice vinegar is 2 cm and 1 mm the height of volcano made with the white vinegar is 2 cm.

    The one that works better is... rice vinegar!

    We were all wrong, nobody thought the best vinegar would be the rice vinegar.

  3. Excellent work! I am glad to hear rice vinegar works well, because white vinegar is unavailable in my area. Thank you for sharing.
