Friday, February 15, 2013

Stretch a rubber band

Our topic is stretch a rubber band

How does temperature affect the stretch of a rubber band?

We think that when it will be hot, it will stretch more.

We will cut a rubber band in two, tie a washer to the end of the rubber band, put a ruler in a shoesbox.  Then we will put the box on one side and poke a hole in the middle of the box. We are going pass the rubber band through this hole,we will tie the rubber band to a pencil at the other end. Let the 3 things for 3 minutes at the room temperature then mesure the rubber band.  We will put the shoebox in the refrigerator then measure   the rubber band andthen we will use the hair dryer to heat the rubber band for 5 minutes then we will measuremesure.

William and Mathieu V.


  1. Quite an interesting idea guys! The coefficient of thermal expansion is a big issue for chemists and ingeneers, especially in Québec where temperatures vary a lot from day to day. Make sure to note room temperature on the thermometer when you do your experiments.

    Also, do you expect your results with rubber will be applicable to other materials?

    Good luck!

    Jean-Daniel Doucet
    Project manager at Université Laval
    M.Sc. in biomedical sciences, Université de Montréal
    Ordre des chimistes du Québec

  2. After experimenting, we found that when we heat a rubber band for 5 minutes with a hair dryer it's stretches more.

    Our hypothesis was that is stretch more when it is hot and we were right .

    And finally we observe that is very difficult to find a answer ,the rubber band at the room temperature stretched 73 cm and it was 22.3 celsius. In the refrigerator, it streched 72.3 cm and it was -10 celsius. With the hair dryer, it stretched 75.5 cm and was at 49.2 celsius.
