Monday, February 25, 2013

Best detergent

1.Best detergent 

2.What kind of detergent works the best ?

3.We think that Tide works the best.

4.We will take 9 cups, then we will take clothes, put ketchup on them. After we will put them in the cups, fill the cups with different types of detergent, shake the cups and take them out so we will see which type of detergent works best.

Maya and Rosemary


  1. Nice project! Are you going to use detergent straight on your stains? Where do your parents put detergent when they do the laundry? What do you add detergent to?

    Jean-Daniel Doucet
    Project manager at Université Laval
    M.Sc. in biomedical sciences, Université de Montréal
    Ordre des chimistes du Québec

  2. We mixed the detergent with water. We put the clothes with ketchup int a small plastic container and shook it. Then we marked them out of 100.

    We observed that the Pink took off 67% of ketchup,Tide took off 80%,Bio Vert took off 5%,Parisienne mixed with Tide took off 70%,Parisienne took off 85%,Zero mixed with Parisienne took off 80%,Zero took off 63%,Zero mixed with palmolive took off 90% and palmolive took off 65%.

    So we found out that the best detergent is: Zero, mixed with Palmolive.

    The worst one is Bio Vert.

    Maya and Rosemary
