Monday, February 25, 2013

Jumping eggs

Our topic is :Jumping eggs
Our question is: which liquid will make it bounce higher?

Our hypothesis is:We think it will be the vinegar.

How are we going to experiment it? We will put one egg in each pot, then we will put one liquid in each pot. Then we will wait for two days and then make it bounce. We need milk, lemonade,apple juice and vinegar.

Audrey Clara Juliette Malorie


  1. If I were you, I would try Coca sodas and citrus juice. Can you guess why?

    Jean-Daniel Doucet
    Project manager at Université Laval
    M.Sc. in biomedical sciences, Université de Montréal
    Ordre des chimistes du Québec

  2. After 4 days, we checked the eggs and marked them.

    5/5 is the softest,0/5 is the hardest.

    Vinegar is 5/5,lemonade is 0/5,the coca cola is 0/5,the apple juice is 0/5 And the milk is 0/5.

    Juliette,Audrey,Malorie and Clara.
