Wednesday, February 27, 2013

pop corn

1. Pop corn

2. How does the temperature at which you store microwavable popcorn affect how well it pops?

3.Our hypothesis is that it pops better when it is stored in a hot place.

4. We are going to store 2 bags  in the freezer, 2 bags in the refrigerator and 2 at room temperature. We are going to pop them for 2 minutes 30 seconds, then we will count the remaining kernels.

Sandrine G., Stephanie, Raphaelle

Monday, February 25, 2013

Science fair

We are doing a mini fountain

Our question is : is it working with other liquids like with 7 up,coka-cola or water.Our hypothesis is that 7 up is the best because it is sparkling

We will  try with water first, after with coka-cola , at the end we will try 7 up and now we will compare the highest mini fountain .

by:Camille , Dahi, Sandrine and JustineSecret telling smileEmailIn lovescience fair!!!

Best detergent

1.Best detergent 

2.What kind of detergent works the best ?

3.We think that Tide works the best.

4.We will take 9 cups, then we will take clothes, put ketchup on them. After we will put them in the cups, fill the cups with different types of detergent, shake the cups and take them out so we will see which type of detergent works best.

Maya and Rosemary

Jumping eggs

Our topic is :Jumping eggs
Our question is: which liquid will make it bounce higher?

Our hypothesis is:We think it will be the vinegar.

How are we going to experiment it? We will put one egg in each pot, then we will put one liquid in each pot. Then we will wait for two days and then make it bounce. We need milk, lemonade,apple juice and vinegar.

Audrey Clara Juliette Malorie


1- Volcano

2-does it work better with white vinegar, balsamic vinegar or rice vinegar.

3-Vincent thinks its balsamic,  Zachary and Samuel too, but Xavier thinks its white vinegar

4-we will make three volcanoes. One is balsamic, one with white and one with rice vinegar and we will write down which one works best.

Zachary, Samuel, Xavier and Vincent

2.Do age affect how people see illusions?
4.We think older people see the illusion less than young people.
5.We are going to print illusions, then we will test it on older people and younger people.

Thomas, Louis-Thomas, Xavier

Friday, February 15, 2013

science fair

Starch Slime

Does different types of glue change the way that slime is going to be?

Our hypothesis is that a different type of glue changes something.

We are going to do satrch slime with few different types of glue and observe the differences.

Mathieu H. Antoine Gabriel and Maxime

science fair

1. The heating of land and water

2. How do lakes and oceans absorb heat compared to deserts and fields?

4. Our hypothesis is that the sand will heat up faster.

5. We will put water in one container and sand in the other. We will heat the containers with a lamp. After a moment, We will look which thermometer will be highest

By: Laurie, Katy and Victoria

science fair

1. Color confusion

2. Does color change taste ?


4. We think that  yes, it changes the taste because it seems to be something different.

5. We will do a mini test with a lot of people ,we will ask them to recognise the food when it is another color. It will have glass of water and put extracts of food in water and put food coloring. We will try to see  if  the people  recognise the food­.

Stretch a rubber band

Our topic is stretch a rubber band

How does temperature affect the stretch of a rubber band?

We think that when it will be hot, it will stretch more.

We will cut a rubber band in two, tie a washer to the end of the rubber band, put a ruler in a shoesbox.  Then we will put the box on one side and poke a hole in the middle of the box. We are going pass the rubber band through this hole,we will tie the rubber band to a pencil at the other end. Let the 3 things for 3 minutes at the room temperature then mesure the rubber band.  We will put the shoebox in the refrigerator then measure   the rubber band andthen we will use the hair dryer to heat the rubber band for 5 minutes then we will measuremesure.

William and Mathieu V.