Tuesday, April 1, 2014


1.What is acid or not ???

2.I found that red cabbage has molecules,that are able to change
colors if it is acid or not.
● When it is acid it is red and when it is the opposite of acid it is

3.I think apple juice will be red,I think soap will be blue,I think
vinegar will be red,that's our opinions!!!

● lemon juice
● salt
● Baking soda
● Vinegar
● Apple juice
● Soap

step we take:1.PUT red cabbage juice in all glasses 2.put one of your
ingredient in the glass 3.see the final result
We will change the substance .We will measure if it is acid or not.In our
experiment the things who doesn't change is the glasses and the red
cabbage juice.

And this are the final results!!!:)

by louis-Philippe, Alexandre p and Éliane.
Ready for an other question.

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