Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Liquid layers

1. Question: Why do objects float on different layers of liquid?

2. Information: When the molecules are closer they are more dense and
when the molecules are farther they are less dense. Thats what makes the
objects float or sink.

3. Hypothesis: We think the strawberry will float and the washer will sink.

A.We will put some water in the glass and put food coloring in the water.
B.Then we will put the same amount of molasses and cooking oil.
C. Put the solid objects and mix it up.
D. Then wait 30 minutes to see the washer.

5.what happened: The molecules that are closer are more dense so the
washer is very dense and molecules that are farther are less dense so the
strawberry is not dense.
try thESE shoes

1.Question: Does shoes design really affect an athlete’s jumping height?

2.information:Some say that it is convers shoes other say that it is spike
(soccer)shoes and some say that it is no shoes.

3.Hypothesis: Our hypothesis were soccer shoe because they have little

4.Independent Variable:Type of shoes.
Dependent Variabale:Height jumping (cm)
Controlled Variable: The person
Steps you will take:
A.we try with converse shoes
B.we try with spike (soccer) shoes
C.we try with no shoes
D.we try with running shoes

5.what happened:In average convers shoe jump 22.8 cm.In avrege spike
shoe(soccer) jump 22.4 cm.In average running shoe jump 25.8 cm.In
average no shoe jump:
Our hypothesis were not right, the righ answer was running shoe and our
hypothesis were spike (soccer)shoe.
It is running shoes because they are lightweight and they fit me well

1.meter stick
5.four types of shoes(no shoes, running
shoes,spike(soccer) shoes, converse shoes)
6.three people(Audrey,Alexia,Béatrice)
7.masking tape

1. Question: Which types of food or liquids
will stop the burning sensation .

2. We found on internet that
water does nothing. We should
use bread because it will absorb
the spicy and milk works too!
The liquid in milk will neutralize
the spice.

3. Hypothesis:we think that bread works the
best because it will absorb the spice.

4.People will eat an jalapeno then they will
drink and eat water, milk and bread. On day 1
we will try milk on 6 people, on day 2 we will
try bread on the same 6 people, on day 3 we
will try water on the same 6 people. We
think the bread works the best because it
absorb the spicy and it’s good!

5. On our experiment milk works best but with
the bread we used different jalapenos so
we are not 100% sure that it’s the milk!


1.What is acid or not ???

2.I found that red cabbage has molecules,that are able to change
colors if it is acid or not.
● When it is acid it is red and when it is the opposite of acid it is

3.I think apple juice will be red,I think soap will be blue,I think
vinegar will be red,that's our opinions!!!

● lemon juice
● salt
● Baking soda
● Vinegar
● Apple juice
● Soap

step we take:1.PUT red cabbage juice in all glasses 2.put one of your
ingredient in the glass 3.see the final result
We will change the substance .We will measure if it is acid or not.In our
experiment the things who doesn't change is the glasses and the red
cabbage juice.

And this are the final results!!!:)

by louis-Philippe, Alexandre p and Éliane.
Ready for an other question.
School bacterias

Participants :
Léanne Lapointe
An-ly Gauthier
Cloé Maltais

1. Which places in the school have more bacteria?

2. The bacteria is the life form. A recent study conducted by Dr.
Charles Gerba and the University of Arizona in a K-12 school system
found that the germiest place at school is the cafeteria table.

3. We think the bathroom have more

4.We are going to analyse: ramp, Kindergarten puzzle piece, Grade 3

door knob, Computer mouse, cafeteria table toilet bowl .

5.Our hypothesis Were wrong because,
All our bacteria are different types of bacterias, so it is hard to