Thursday, March 21, 2013


title: Touching memories

question:what effect does touching an object have on one's ability to remember the object.

hypothesis: We think that touching the object and seeing the object will make it easier to remember the objects

thanks for visiting at blogger!
by:Émilie Cantin, Anais Desbiens ,Laurie Hébert and Leaticia Khao 



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1. Soap and pepper

2. What type of soap repels the pepper the best?

3. Our hypothesis is that the oxy is going to repel pepper the most

4. We are going to put water in plates. Then we are going to put some pepper in the water in the water and dip one finger in the soap. We are going to put this finger in the  water and compare how the pepper is repelled.

Sandrine R., Dahi, Justine, Camille

Friday, March 15, 2013

1. All about lens
2. The water on a lens grows the illusion of an insect. If we put more water, is the illusion going to be larger or smaller?
3. Our hypothesis that if we put more water, the illusion is going to be larger.

4. ?

Leyna, Pierre-Antoine, Étienne

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Our topic is air
Our question is: Does the the shape of a balloon change the speed at which a balloon travels.
Our hypothesis is that the longest balloon is going to go faster.
We are going to blow 10 times in 3 balloons of a different shape. We are going to tie them to a string with a paper clip and let them go at the same time. We are going to compare the distance at which they travel.
Christopher, Mathis, Cedric, Dylan